Resident Testimonials


Discover firsthand why residents love living in this community and why they chose to call Mission Ranch home. Check out our resident testimonial videos below from families living in Mission Ranch today.

Meet The Kirklands

At Mission Ranch, the Kirkland family found exactly what they were looking for—a beautiful new home in a welcoming place where you really get to know your neighbors and call them friends.

Meet The Burks

At Mission Ranch, you join a community where neighbors know you by name and think of you as friends. Watch this video to see why The Burks love living in Mission Ranch!



Meet The Keefauvers

Creating a true community where neighbors become friends is what Mission Ranch is all about. Discover how important the heart behind the community is for the Keefauver’s.



Meet The Riggs

The Riggs were not even familiar with the state of Texas before deciding to make the move to Mission Ranch. Learn how this community checked all the boxes they were looking for, enough to even convince other out-of-state family members to move here as well!



Building with the Bocks


Mission Ranch is an award-winning master planned community developed by Caldwell Communities filled with best in class amenities and lifestyle that enrich lives. In our new series, Building With The Bocks, we’re excited to follow along with Megan and Gabe Bock as they build their custom dream home in the gated section, The Reserve in Mission Ranch, and take us along for the process from start to finish!

Why Mission Ranch

In Episode 1, we learn why the Bocks chose Mission Ranch to call home. From college students at Texas A&M to local business owners, the Bocks have called College Station home for the last 20 years. Learn more about what drew the Bocks to Mission Ranch, and why they chose Mission Ranch for their forever home.

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